Books I Judged

We are all told the same lesson from when we were children. Never judge a book from their covers. 

While that is a great lesson to be taught, and you really shouldn’t form an opinion about a book before reading it from start to finish. We have all succumbed to buying a book solely from loving their cover page. Haven’t we? 

So many of my favorite books I picked up not from hearing great reviews, but from walking aimlessly around Barnes & Nobles and out of the corner of my eye spied the cover of a random novel and I’m instantly sold. 

Below I have listed the books that caught my eye, and left me shook because of how great they were. All of them are perfect books for any type of mood of yours, and I guarantee you won’t want to put them down.

Beautiful cover pages, intriguing titles, and marvelous stories, what more could you want?

This Love Story Will Self-Destruct, Leslie Cohen

WHY IS IT DESTROYING? Does the main character die? Do the characters float aimlessly around in space? Do they become self destructing robots? So many questions! 

I found this novel in my local bookshop and couldn’t help but purchase it. The author pretty much tells the reader that the love is not going to last just from the title …or does she? Honestly I haven’t read it yet, but I can not wait. If anyone has already gotten around to reading it, please don’t spoil it for me. 

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill, Abbi Waxman

I judged this book the minute I read the title! This book screams for the introvert readers. Centered around a woman with a love of books who ends up being forced out of her comfort zone and into a world she wasn’t prepared for. The first time I saw this book I was waiting to board my flight and I saw it wiggling between a rack with magazines. As I went to pick it up they announced that my flight was boarding, so sadly I could not make the purchase. The title of the book was extremely memorable though, and I instantly ordered it online without even reading the back of the book. 

Luckily I absolutely adored this book! It was a feel good read that I was desperately needing in my life. The previous book I read before centered around World War II and was extremely dark and heavy, so The Bookish Life of Nina Hill was very much needed. The main character had such a deep love for books that matched my own personality and my dream job. Working at a bookshop….how DREAMY! There is something magical about reading about a character that has a adoration for books, and please trust me when I say you will NOT regret adding this to your reading list.

The Sun and her Flowers, Rupi Kaur

Yes, I know that everyone and their dogs have read this book of poetry, but with a title like that can you blame them? The title of this book is what captured my attention, and I’m so happy that I judged the cover and made this purchase. Kaur is a wizard with her words, and my book is extremely marked up with my favorite lines of hers. Every so often I dust off The Sun and her Flowers from my bookshelf and re read my favorite poems of hers. 

If you got any more beautiful
the sun would leave its place
and come for you

-the chase

Such beautiful words..

A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, Therese Anne Fowler 

A novel centered around the woman behind the famous Scott Fitzgerald. The man who gave the world so many classics, that till this day are still discussed. Even though Zelda Ftizgerald was a real human in our world, this book is strictly a historical fictional genre, and does not merit much truth. Although it is an extremely well researched novel and it taught me so much about the Fitzgerald’s. I don’t want to go to in depth about this novel, because I don’t want to ruin it for you. I started this book without knowing anything about Zelda, and perhaps because I had never done my own research about Zelda maybe that is why I loved it so much. Fowler gave me a marvelous story that I didn’t even know I needed.

They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera

With a title like that, how are you not intrigued? I loved this novel. Silvera created a story that was so unique, leaving it impossible to compare to anything else. Pretty much warning the readers from the very beginning to not become too attached to the lovely characters (warning I did). Read about a world were instead of death being sudden and mysterious, you get a 24hr notice of your day of death …without knowing the details of how and why. Did I spark your curiosity? The plot focuses on Mateo and Rufus, two strangers who share the same death date in common. Not letting that stop them, decide to have one last grand adventure. 

What would you do if you knew the date of your death?

Fall in love with Silvera’s words, and become attached to the characters… but not too attached, or do. Because maybe they don’t die…maybe the title was just purposely trying to throw off the reader? I guess you will have to read it to find out. 

Have you read these books yet? Did you purchase them solely because you liked the title and cover page like I did?

Stay with me and read So Many Books, So Little Time

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