Newspaper of Winne the Pooh a novel for children to enjoy

Obviously from my many book posts, you have caught on that I’m a lover of all books. Even when I was a child reading was the one subject that I excelled in …probably why I ended up majoring in English. All my assignments were based off of books…my heaven. 

I don’t know why reading stuck with me from a young child to a full grown adult. Yes, my mom read to me and my siblings as children but it wasn’t daily. So many of my friends tell me their parents would read with them as a child, and yet they haven’t picked up a book in ten years. How do you get a child to enjoy the pleasures of reading? I remember reading so many great books as a child that had interesting story lines and marvelous characters that I still think about them every once in a while. 

And when I see a kid in the bookstore reading what I used to read it makes my heart happy. 

I hope my future children enjoying reading, and I hope they carry that skill with them when they become adults. I once saw this image online of a woman reading a book with her toddler sitting in her lap reading his own book. How did she get him to become entranced with a book and not an ipad? She said children mimic what the parents do. 

When I watch my younger cousins, let me tell you it is a lot easier to put in a movie or give them the ipad than to sit with them and read. I can’t even fathom how moms deal with children 24/7

So many great children novels in the world, but these are the ones that I still remember, and the ones I have kept over the years. Hopefully one day I get the pleasure in seeing a child pick them up from my own bookcase.

Dr. Seuss Collection

Obviously this is on the list. What child won’t enjoy these books? So many great books of his out there in the world. My parents still have a closet upstairs that has turned into a bookshelves of all of our old books. One shelf is solely dedicated to all of the Dr. Seuss books we used to read. Even my siblings who all had different reading tastes than myself loved his books. A lot of his books rhyme and allow the reader to use their imagination. I hope all children in the world are able to access Dr. Seuss books. They all have great stories and have the ability to teach children without them even aware of it. 

The Little Prince

A great bedtime story. The Little Prince is a classic tale, teaching us about love, life, making friends, and saying goodbye. If you do decide to read this to a child, I find that adults tend to enjoy the story more so than the child. The illustrations are beautiful, and will definitely capture the interest of a young mind. A simple book with a grand meaning behind it. Don’t be fooled. Even though it is deemed in the children’s genre, all ages from young to old will enjoy this beautifully written tale. 

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye”.

Winnie the Pooh

I don’t know if it was just me, but I loved Winnie the Pooh. I mean it has a depressed donkey as one of the minor characters….. What is there not to love? Teaching the readers about friendship, love, and to always have a curious mind. An adorable bear who has the biggest heart and an admirable appetite for honey. You can always rely on Pooh and his friends for insight, courage, humility, and joy. 

The Frog & Toad 

Does anyone else remember reading The Frog & Toad in their childhood? I used to love these books when I was in kindergarten. Always left me laughing, and hopefully will do the same to any young child. Frog and toad, best friends till the end with so many wacky adventures it will entertain any young reader. 

The Magic Tree House

These books were the key to my childhood. I can’t tell you why I loved the Magic Tree House series so much. Two brave young children with a treehouse that allowed them to partake in adventures that I used to dream about. Sparked my interest as a young child so much, that I never had the heart to give them away. Im hoping the children that come into my life will enjoy reading them, and that they will finally get some use after so many years of being on the shelf.

What Do You Say, Dear?, Sesyle Joslin

I found this book from following Emma Roberts on Instagram, and saw the book cover and bought it instantly. Is it weird to buy children books even though you aren’t a kid anymore, or have any children of your own? The illustration are precious, with a silly story line that any child will enjoy. Teaching the readers about manners in a fun spirited way that hopefully will stick with them till the grow old.

“You are downtown and there is a gentleman giving baby elephants to people. You want to take one home because you have always wanted a baby elephant, but first the gentleman introduces you to each other.
What do you say, dear?
How do you do?”

Who isn’t going to love this quirky story?

What were your favorite novels as a child? Any that you want pass on to your spawns?

Need a list of book recommendations for yourself? Read my favorite Best Books to Become Lost and Entranced In.

Be warned though, if you pick up one of the books prepare to get nothing else done except reading for the day.