“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book” J.K Rowling

How right you were Ms. Rowling. Aren’t we all searching for that real life magic in our mundane lives? I have read so many stories with words so powerful I felt that I was living in the story. Aren’t those the best books? When the authors words come to life in your own head?

If you are looking for some magic in your life, here are my personal recommendations on enchanting novels that wowed me with their wit, charm, and razzle dazzle.

Nine Women One Dress, Jane L Rosen 

Every woman has their own little black dress that they adore and will probably never get rid of….even when its way to small and just a tad out of style (like mine). Here we have Rosen, a woman who created a novel that centers around the little black dress and weaves it around her characters. Revolving around nine different women, each chapter is dedicated to a different lady and how one dress impacted their lives. I loved how Rosen celebrates the timeless value of works of art and craftsmanship behind the artists. 

If you are looking for a simple, whimsical, and lighthearted read add this to your list. 

The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern

This story had me shook with my mouth gasped opened in disbelief from the beginning till the end. Become transported out of your daily mundane life and into a magical, mysterious, and enchanting world. You are introduced to two main characters. Celia, a strong, talented, and beautiful young woman with a love for books and honesty. Marco, a charming boy with a mysterious past gets taken in by Mr. A.H and is trained in the art of magic. Two unique characters forced to become pawns in a game without knowing the costs. 

Celia and Marco spellbound together in the most unique, heart wrenching, and bizarre way. 

Become a part of Morgenstern circus and take it all in!

Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen

Yes, another novel revolving around the circus. The novel begins with 90 year Jacob Jankowski living in a nursery home that serves bland food with a side of unwanted attention from the old maids. Become drawn into his past life as we read about his memories and the adventures he had with the circus that abruptly came into his life. An action packed book that has a little bit of every theme. Romance, suffering, courage, growing old, and acceptance. 

Hollywood produced a movie about the book starring Reese Witherspoon, but as much as I loved the book I never watched the movie. For some reason I never seem to find a reason for watching a film based off a book I once loved. Anyone else like this? My imagination is usually better than what I see on the movie screen. 

The Little Paris Bookshop, Nina George

I tend to fall head over heels for the books were the main characters are bookshop owners. Maybe because they are secretly living out my own dream? 

“The Little Paris Bookshop” centers around Monsieur Perdu. Owner of the floating bookshop, with a talent for picking out the perfect book just for you! When a person is feeling hurt and heartbroken Perdu is able to prescribe the perfect book cure. With a skill like that you would assume he would be able to fix his own broken heart. Sadly his heart has only ever loved one woman, who in the end abruptly left him without an explanation; only a handwritten letter. Hurt by the betrayal years pass by without Perdu ever opening or let alone glancing at the letter. 

You can imagine during my time reading this I was extremely curious as to what the hell she could have possibly written in that letter! Are you as curious as I was? 

2 am at The Cat’s Pajamas, Marie-Helene Bertino

Follow along the lives of some electrical characters on the night before Christmas Eve. Meet Madeline Altamari, a ten year old rule breaker who lost her mother and with a desire to show off her singing voice. Sarina Greene, her teacher who is dealing with the damage of her failed marriage. Jack Lorca, the owner of the famous Cat’s Pajamas who struggles to maintain a friendly relationship with his son while keeping his club afloat. Become entranced by these characters lives and follow along with a story that weaves along their past and their future. 

The Secret Lives of People in Love, Simon Van Booy

Although a short novel, it does not lack magic and contains stories of love, loss, and hope. If you are feeling sad and at a loss for words in your life, these stories will mean so much for your soul. Booy’s words are beautiful and honest, and his stories shine a light of hope into our lives.

“She bore deep scars but through loving turned them into rivers” (pg. 97) 

Hunted, Meagan Spooner

I recommend this novel to anyone who is a fan of the classic tale of Disney’s Beauty & the Beast. I know the world does not need another retelling of this Disney classic. Usually I don’t pick up repeat stories, so I can’t tell you what transpired me to buy this novel. All I can say is I am so happy I gave it a chance. Spooner brought in chilling new themes and completely made this tale her own.

The story is centered around Yeva. An admirable, relatable and flawed heroine. A young woman whose father taught her the way around the woods with a love and admiration for hunting. When her father goes missing into the mysterious woods Yeva is determined that she is the only one who can bring him home. But can she bring down the beast or will she become lost forever in the forest?

A beautifully creative retelling of a classic tale, with the perfect blend of fantasy and fairytales. A great escape.

“She was so tired after all. Tired of fairy tales, and magic, and empty castles. Tired of wanting so intensely that she didn’t know what she wanted.”

Did any of these novels enchant you too?

Need more enchanting book recommendations? Read my personal favorite Best Books to Get Lost In.