Everyone becomes homesick at one point in their life, and sometimes its hard to deal with those emotions and find remedies for your homesickness. To me homesickness is not targeted to just missing a home. We are capable of becoming home sick over people, scenery, or even just the simple things like missing your own bed.

Whoever tells you moving isn’t hard tell them on my behalf to kiss your ass.

I don’t care for the reason of why you are moving…whether it is for love, school, a career, etc. It doesn’t matter. Moving is a challenge, it’s a terrifying adventure but yet bittersweet.

People that venture out and start a new path are so brave and strong. We don’t get enough credit. Eventually the move becomes easier and day by day you have a new routine in your life.

Don’t get me wrong I still find it challenging navigating my life in Antigua (& it’s been almost 2 years). Not being surrounding by my family is extremely difficult for me. I am an extreme introvert and many times being surrounded by so many strangers and acquaintances makes me become even more homesick.

It’s okay to stay in funk and feel groggy for a little while, but don’t stay there (it’s easier said than done). I wallow more times then I care to say and it is okay to cry, but at the end of the day I choose this. I can’t let the homesickness swallow me up whole. 

Here are my personal remedies that have helped me when Im feeling blue and homesick.

Read a Book.

I say read a book, because I am a huge book nerd and I find it extremely relaxing to become so entranced and wrapped up into another world. Honestly though I know a lot of people aren’t into reading, but I just think they haven’t found the right book to hook them.

Stimulate your brain a little, and put down your phone and get lost in a book. I have recently published a post on my favorite books to become lost in, feel free to check it out for recommendations. Hopefully one of the books will hook you and there will become more book lovers in the world. Honestly reading a book is my go to remedy for homesickness.

Listen to Music.

I have a playlist called Blissful, and the only artists on it are the oldie classics. Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Van Morrison, etc. For the longest time when I first moved I would hardly listen to music, because my shuffle on my phone would eventually play a song I find depressing and I would end up bawling in my car.

I’m happy to report that this doesn’t happen as often, and I enjoy my long drives or even cooking in my kitchen with my wonderful music in the background. 

Go for a Walk/Sit in Nature.

Get your ass up and go for a light breezy walk. I’m not saying go run a 5k, (unless that pleases you) but go take a walk around your neighborhood. I wish I lived next to a coffee shop so I could walk and be rewarded with a coffee at the end, and if you happen to be one of those lucky people with a neighborhood coffee house, why not go?

Go grab a coffee and enjoy the sounds of nature and really take a minute to meditate and be present. I always feel productive if I just sit on my front porch for a little while and enjoy my homemade coffee. 

Remind yourself why you left.

Everyone leaves for a different reason. Either school, love, career, or even just for the simple reason of needing a change of scenery. I left to be with my husband, because in our situation it made more sense for me to make the dramatic move to Antigua. He had a career that he was passionate about, and I was willing to pack up my bags and join him. When I become blue and feel down I like to remember that I choose this, and if I had to choose it again I would.

At the end of the day I can’t imagine my life without him, and if me living here is the sacrifice I have to make, I will. Trust your journey and make it work. 


People ask me all the time if I cook after being married… and the answer is YES. I mean we have to eat.. And you cant have take out every single day, that can get expensive real quick and there is nothing better than a home cooked meal.

I’m not saying get crazy and spend 5 hours cooking in your kitchen, because who the hell enjoys that? Make some homemade comfort food. Soup with grilled cheese, pasta, pizza (basically anything with bread), tacos, etc. I happened to stumble upon a chicken taco recipe that is made in the crock pot and now it is my go to meal. Dump the chicken breasts in your slow cooker, add a cup of salsa (or even more) with hot & spicy taco seasoning packet and presto! 6 hours later on high heat shred your chicken and serve! Delicious!

Grab yourself some guac and you got yourself a party. 

Plant a Garden.

I have attempted this, and it was definitely a challenge for me. I travel pretty often, so my plants and vegetables end up dying from the lack of water, and my husband forgets to water them while I am away.

If you are fortunate and have a section in your yard to plant some herbs, vegetables, or even fruit do it! You can even plant some herbs within the walls of your home, you would just have to order this machine. Plant some mint, cilantro, parsley, arugula, get crazy!

Plant food you love, because I guarantee you your salad will taste a lot fresher and tastier with your own grown herbs and veggies. Also this may sound weird, but tomatoes grown in your own backyard always have the best smell to them. 

Go on a Date.

Go ON A DATE with YOURSELF. Take yourself out, you deserve it!

Go out to a restaurant and order that fancy meal with a glass of wine. There are so many fun places to take yourself to. Coffeeshops, movies, restaurants, beaches, hiking, try some fun classes, the list is endless. Brush up on your skills and enroll in an art class. Meditate and stretch from taking a yoga class. Can’t really handle the heat in the kitchen, go sign up for a cooking class. Unwind with a massage. If you really want to be a tourist go tour your city with a designated tour guide.

The options for a treat yourself are endless! 


I’m sure wherever you are, you haven’t fully explored every nook and cranny of it. There is always something or somewhere to entertain oneself, if one just looks around.

Trust me if I can find something to do on my small rock of an island, you can find something to. You don’t have to have an adventurer soul to explore. It can be something small, like trying out a new restaurant or going to that quaint little coffee shop. 

Take a Relaxing Bath:

Go out to Lush and buy some fancy bath salts and bombs and play some relaxing music and just soak away all your troubles. I don’t have a bath in my home, which sucks so sadly I am unable to partake in this pleasure. If you do, go soak away all your troubles and hopefully it will remedy your homesickness.

Take a Nap.

I don’t think this one needs any reasoning behind it.

Take a mental & physical pause. 


Express yourself. Write out your thoughts and feelings. Becoming homesick so often is how I started this blog, and with lots of encouragement and love from my partner. I needed an escape that I loved that would allow me to focus all my energy on. Blogging gave me that.

Anyone else have any ideas? I am always open for suggestions.

If all else fails, book that plane ticket back home.

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