My baby bear turned one!
When people preach about how quickly time passes they were not joking. I have been planning and talking about my son’s first birthday since he was only two months old. I was so excited to plan and organize everything. I wanted to make the birthday Pinterest worthy… but not over the top. Just a small simple 1st birthday at our home. Mainly I wanted everyone to enjoy themselves..and I would be lying if I didn’t say I wanted at least ONE cute mama and son picture.
Deciding on a theme was challenging. I kept going back and forth. A few themes that I loved (and still think I will use one day) were a simple boho animal theme or a Bob Dylan/Rock theme. New Darlings posted on their blog for their son’s 2nd birthday the most adorable Bruce Springsteen theme that I instantly fell in love with. After a very intense search of birthday boy themes, I finally settled on a First Trip Around the Sun theme.
Even though the theme was First Trip Around the Sun, I did not want it centered around rockets and astronauts. I was going for minimal boho decor. Originally the colors I choose were pale oranges and yellows… but after showing my husband my inspiration board he said it resembled a Thanksgiving party, and I could not unsee it after that.
Baby boy’s birthday did not have many outside vendors for activities. He was the only child at his birthday (first grandchild in the family) so I didn’t see the need to have activities. We ordered pizza for dinner hung out with friends and family, and had a great time.
As lovely as the big over-the-top baby birthdays are, I can not justify spending that much on a birthday that they won’t remember.
My decor was minimal, and eye catching decor piece was the balloon garland.
I purchased my balloon garland from Etsy. It comes with 255 balloons, and the colors are beautiful, bold, and neutral!

The balloon garland was a beautfiul backdrop for photos and for the birthday boy’s cake smash. For party favors, I ordered these printable candy wrappers from Etsy and wrapped them around a king-size Hershey bar.

His birthday crown might have been my favorite thing, I wish he could wear it every day.

Birthday boy’s first time eating sugar and he really enjoyed it! Can’t say I blame him.

For the dessert table, I found galaxy-themed lollipops from Amazon that were a huge hit! They really made the dessert table come together, and I put them in this acrylic lollipop stand.
Usually, for our parties, I like to make one big drink in my pitcher, and I happened to find a Galaxy Lemonade for kids. Very easy to make and everyone loved it. Lots of our guests spiked theirs with vodka and it was delicious! I know the recipe calls for sugar and honey, but I opted that out. I made the Butterfly Pea Tea in the morning, let it cool, and right before the party dumped one big jug of Minute Maid Lemonade with some ice. Very easy and tasty, and the blue/purple color was striking! Definitely would make this again.

Leave some love! Let me know how you feel how about a First Trip Around the Sun birthday! Would you choose this theme?